Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

Our Approach

At iMowazi, we take a meticulous approach to selecting investment opportunities for our crowdfunding platform. Our commitment to providing high-quality projects is paramount, and we understand that careful evaluation is essential to align the interests of our investors with those of the businesses seeking funding.

To ensure a rigorous selection process, we collaborate closely with our strategic partner, Arab Investment Company (AIC). Their expertise in financial analysis, market insights and subscription agent functions plays a crucial role in assessing each project's viability and potential for success. Together, we thoroughly sift through a wide range of opportunities, focusing on key factors such as financial stability, growth prospects, and risk management.

While we evaluate various sectors, we tend to favor real estate projects due to their historically lower risk profile and tangible asset backing. Our preference for these types of investments reflects our commitment to our investors while offering solid growth potential.

By prioritizing careful assessment and collaboration with AIC, we aim to create a curated selection of investment opportunities that not only meet rigorous standards but also enhance the overall experience for our investors.

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